1. Acheteur
Nom officiel: French National Federation of Maize and Sorghum Seed Production
Forme juridique de l’acheteur: Organisation qui passe un marché subventionné par une autorité publique centrale
Activité du pouvoir adjudicateur: Affaires économiques
2. Procédure
Titre: Call for tender for the selection, through an Open Competitive Procedure, of an implementing body, appointed to implement measures aimed at achieving the goals set out in the Programme "SustaianbleSeedsEU"
Description: The contracting organisation, together with PZPK, will implement a promotional campaign in favour of maize and sorghum seeds in the French, Polish, German, Romanian and Hungarian markets under the EU's AGRIP Programme. Through various activities, the campaign will count on the support of an implementing agency to promote Maize seeds in the French, Polish, and German markets, and Sorghum seeds in French, Polish, Romanian and Hungarian markets.
Identifiant de la procédure: 4daa784e-c637-44da-9af0-c7e671da8de1
Identifiant interne: Lot 1 - SustainableSeedsEU
Type de procédure: Ouverte
Principales caractéristiques de la procédure: One agency will be selected for this call. It will be selected following the rule of best value for money, the respect of the conditions mentioned here below and the respect of the deadline to provide all document mentioned in section “COMPULSORY SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS TO BE PRODUCED BY CANDIDATES”. Application will be sent using registered mail with a return receipt or delivered in person against a return receipt at the following address: FNPSMS 23-25 Avenue de Neuilly 75116 PARIS A digital version should nevertheless be sent to Anna KOLAKOWSKA at anna.kolakowska@fnpsms.fr, and to Martin GOMEZ at martin.gomez@fnpsms.fr. For additional context on the background of the programme, the full text of section part B of the application file (Description of activities and analysis of budget positions) will be made available to all candidates requesting it by email to martin.gomez@fnpsms.fr. All applications sent after the deadline (normal mail, registered mail, Chronopost, courier, or any other delivery method) will not be taken into account by the announcers. The applicant is responsible for the proper sending of their application before the deadline.
Nature du marché: Services
Nomenclature principale (cpv): 79416000 Services de relations publiques
Lieu d’exécution
Subdivision pays (NUTS): Paris (FR101)
Pays: France
Informations complémentaires: The agency in charge of lot 1 will work on the implementation of events and public relation activities (WP2, and WP6) in the target countries of the campaign: France, Poland, Germany, Romania, and Hungary. Among other things, the agency will ensure the implementation of the actions, follow the budget, follow up on subcontractors and realise the deliverables and reports for the actions implemented. It will likely be an events agency specialised in agriculture.
Valeur estimée hors TVA: 248 000,00 EUR
Informations générales
Informations complémentaires: CONDITIONS: 1. This tender concerns an agricultural promotion programme cofinanced by the European Union under the Promotion of EU Agricultural products funding instrument (AGRIP). The promotion program has been selected by the EUROPEAN RESEARCH EXECUTIVE AGENCY (REA) within the framework of the call of projects AGRIP-MULTI-2024. The actions listed in this tender will be only subject to completion if the responsible services from the Commission confirm the receipt of the grant by the beneficiaries and following the signature of the Grant Agreement. 2. Agencies wishing to apply must have a French-speaking contact. 3. If the agency considers that it is managing a budget for an operator in the same sector or a sector or organisation that may present a conflict of interest, prior agreement authorising the agency to compete must be given by the advertiser. In the event that the agency is selected, prior agreement will also be required before accepting a budget for an operator in the same sector or from a sector or organisation that may present a conflict of interest. 4. The creations of the agency selected are, after remuneration for the work effected, the property of the advertisers, without limitation of time or place, and for use through any communication technique and any media. 5. The contracting organisation reserves the right to use the concepts, materials and creations (visuals, logos, slogan, domain name), as part of all its campaigns and collective structures without time limitation. BUDGET: The overall budget for the campaign, including fees, amounts to a total of €2.454,738 million including VAT over three years. Based on the proposed activities in the various work packages of the project campaign, the subcontracting cost allocated for this tender will be EUR 248 000 (two hundreds forty-eight thousand euros). COMPULSORY SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS TO BE PRODUCED BY CANDIDATES: Documents to be provided in French or English. 1. A declaration on the honour of the candidate or candidates (in the case of a group), duly dated and signed by the candidate, to justify: a) they have satisfied the fiscal and social obligations of their country; b) not to have been convicted, in the course of the last five years, of any of the offences referred to in articles L 324-9, L 324-10, L 341-6, L 125-1 and L 125-3 of the Labour Code, as recorded in bulletin no. 2 of the criminal record, or of an equivalent procedure governed by foreign law; c) it is not in a state of compulsory liquidation within the meaning of Article L. 620-1 of the French Commercial Code or an equivalent procedure governed by foreign law; d) it has not been declared personally bankrupt, within the meaning of Article L. 625-2 of the French Commercial Code, or an equivalent procedure governed by foreign law; or e) it has not been admitted to legal redress, within the meaning of Article L. 620-1 of the French Commercial Code, or to an equivalent procedure governed by foreign law, without being able to prove that it is authorised to continue trading for the foreseeable duration of the contract. 2. A list of principal references of the past 2 years for similar international events and providing the aim, budget and length of services. 3. Presentation of the agency and its internal organisation. 4. The name and level of experience of the team in charge of the project. 5. Detailed presentation of the project team. 6. Justification of the agency's knowledge of European markets, in particular those targeted by the contract. 7. Presentation of any "local" relay structures that may be involved in the project for each of the countries concerned by the project, with details of the team in charge of the project. These elements should enable the contracting organisation to form an idea of whether the needs of the project are matched up well with the offer proposed by each candidate agency. CONTACT FOR QUESTIONS: Martin Gomez – International Promotion Officer – martin.gomez@fnpsms.fr DATE OF COMMUNICATION OF THE ADVERTISER'S DECISION TO THE CANDIDATE AGENCIES: 20th of December 2024 DATE OF PUBLICATION OF THE CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: 19th of November 2024
Base juridique:
Directive 2014/24/UE
Motifs d’exclusion
Sources des motifs d'exclusion: Document de marché
5. Lot
Lot: LOT-0001
Titre: SustainableSeedsEU: Implementing body selection (Lot 1)
Description: With a promotional campaign oriented towards the specialised public (‘B2B’ including famers, breeders, opinion-leaders, consultants, and transformers), they key objectives are: I) Acreage cultivated in maize and sorghum: Increase maize and sorghum acreage in targeted countries; II) Consolidate and develop the EU seed market share: Promote high quality seeds within the internal market highlighting the added value of EU origin; and III) Knowledge improvement among the target public: Improve the reputation and perception of both maize and sorghum through targeted, concrete and effective messages. The campaign will address to a professional audience specialized for agricultural sector. Farmers are the most important target; they are farmers specialized into cereal and/or milk production. The technician specialists, and distributors are also a major target for our campaign as opinion leaders for the farmers choice of crops. Our other targets includes institutions, farmers associations, feed producers and food processing industries are also targeted to influence them choice of grain for processing activities. The contracting organisation will itself carry out some of the actions included in the promotion programme. The remainder of the actions will be delegated to the selected agencies, and will cover the following: The agency in charge of lot 1 will work on the implementation of events and public relation activities (WP2, and WP6). Among other things, the agency will ensure the implementation of the actions, follow the budget, follow up on subcontractors and realise the deliverables and reports for the actions implemented. It will likely be an events agency specialised in agriculture.
Identifiant interne: Lot 1 - SustainableSeedsEU
Nature du marché: Services
Nomenclature principale (cpv): 79416000 Services de relations publiques
Lieu d’exécution
Ville: Paris
Subdivision pays (NUTS): Paris (FR101)
Pays: France
Informations complémentaires: Project activities will be performed in France, Poland, Germany, Romania, and Hungary
Durée estimée
Date de début: 01/01/2025
Date de fin de durée: 31/12/2027
Valeur estimée hors TVA: 248 000,00 EUR
Informations générales
Participation réservée: La participation n’est pas réservée.
Projet de passation de marché financé en totalité ou en partie par des fonds de l’UE
Critères de sélection
Sources des critères de sélection: Document de marché
Critères d’attribution
Type: Qualité
Description: The tender specifications provide detailed criteria for the evaluation of offers, according to the principle of best value for money. The following criteria will be considered: Sound budget of the organisation (turnover and equity) (10 points), Relevance of references in organisation of similar events (20 points), Quality of global strategic and creative recommendation (15 points), Quality/price ratio (30 points), Capacity to convince of motivation (10 points), and Experience level of the team working on this project (15 points)
Conditions du marché public
Conditions de présentation:
Présentation par voie électronique: Autorisée
Langues dans lesquelles les offres ou demandes de participation peuvent être présentées: français, anglais
Date limite de réception des offres: 13/12/2024 00:00:00 (UTC+1)
Informations complémentaires, médiation et réexamen
Organisation qui fournit des informations complémentaires sur la procédure de passation de marché: French National Federation of Maize and Sorghum Seed Production
Organisation qui fournit un accès hors ligne aux documents de marché: French National Federation of Maize and Sorghum Seed Production
TED eSender: Publications Office of the European Union
8. Organisations
Nom officiel: French National Federation of Maize and Sorghum Seed Production
Numéro d’enregistrement: 12782356992
Département: International Promotion
Adresse postale: 23-25 avenue de Neuilly
Ville: Paris
Code postal: 75116
Subdivision pays (NUTS): Paris (FR101)
Pays: France
Point de contact: Martin Gomez
Téléphone: 33 (0) 1 47 23 48 32
Rôles de cette organisation:
Organisation qui fournit des informations complémentaires sur la procédure de passation de marché
Organisation qui fournit un accès hors ligne aux documents de marché
Nom officiel: Publications Office of the European Union
Numéro d’enregistrement: PUBL
Ville: Luxembourg
Code postal: 2417
Subdivision pays (NUTS): Luxembourg (LU000)
Pays: Luxembourg
Téléphone: +352 29291
Rôles de cette organisation:
TED eSender
11. Informations relatives à l’avis
Informations relatives à l’avis
Identifiant/version de l’avis: d53309f8-db09-4d37-a521-891d0eed6bbc - 01
Type de formulaire: Mise en concurrence
Type d’avis: Avis de marché – régime assoupli
Sous-type d’avis: 20
Date d’envoi de l’avis: 19/11/2024 11:37:24 (UTC)
Langues dans lesquelles l’avis en question est officiellement disponible: anglais
Informations relatives à la publication
Numéro de publication de l’avis: 707475-2024
Numéro de publication au JO S: 226/2024
Date de publication: 20/11/2024